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android and ios

Download APP for IOS & Android

Step to download Max Racing App for IOS Mobile, iPad, iMac using Safari Browser

IOS User (Apple) – Safari Browser

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Step 1: Visit maxracing.co website

Visit our official website on https://maxracing.co or any pages that you wish to save a quick bookmark in our website.

Step 2: Press the “share” button in Safari Browser

by default, the share button will be show on the bottom toolbar in mobile version Safari browser, or at the the right side of “link” of the Safari browser in iPad.

Step 3: Scroll down to the “Add to Home Screen”

hit the “Add to Home Screen” button, insert the APP name you wish to remark in your homepage, then hit “Add” button. You’ll eventually see the APP installed in your home screen after 2-5 second (depending on network speed).

Android & IOS user – Google Chrome Browser

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Step 1: Visit maxracing.co website

Visit our official website on https://maxracing.co or any pages that you wish to save a quick bookmark in our website.

Step 2: Press the “3 dot” button in Chrome Browser

by default, the 3 dot button will be show on the top toolbar at the right side of “link” of the Chrome browser in all in mobile, tablet & iPad.

Step 3: Press the “Add to Home Screen” or “Install app”

hit the “Add to Home Screen” or “Install app” button, insert the APP name you wish to remark in your homepage, then hit “Add” button. You’ll eventually see the APP installed in your home screen after 2-5 second (depending on network speed).

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All data are accessible as view in our official website, and the best is, it’s completely safe to surf & shop! You’re protected under our website security with No Annoying Ads pop-up anywhere.

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